
Our Focus

We pride ourselves in offering services no matter what the need may be for you and your family.  No matter what stage in your life you are in, we specialize in being able to help you protect and maximize your savings, income and assets.

Individual Planning “Income & Asset Protection”

Individual Planning – One-on-One Financial Advising

  • Full Insurance Protection
  • Savings Maximization
  • Managed Money/ Investment Accounts
  • Debt Reduction
  • Goal/ Retirement Planning
  • Budgeting
  • Benefits Planning for the Future

Transition To Retirement

  • Maximizing Social Security
  • Medicare: Clarifying and Implementing
  • Retirement Red Zone Asset Protection
  • Income Allocation Planning

Managing Retirement

  • Staying current on government programs
  • Adjusting to life and economic changes with benefits and assets
  • Safe Money Strategies
  • Legacy planning
  • Charitable gifts & tax planning

Blair Erwin

President, Headsail Financial Strategies Financial

Since 2011, Headsail Financial Strategies has been helping individuals achieve and maintain financial independence while navigating financial myths and realities for our clients. We are dedicated to guiding our clients through the rough waters that life can throw at us over time. Whether you are an individual or a business, we focus on your short and long-term goals as well as working to mitigate any risks or concerns that keep you up at night.

We specialize in Retirement Planning during our client’s working years, the Transitioning to Retirement Red Zone, and throughout their retirement years. We believe in a down to earth, reality-based planning and management style with a common-sense way of looking at your finances. We believe you can achieve your goals, maintain a quality lifestyle, and know your money will last years into retirement without worrying about timing a volatile market.

Our objective and holistic process aims to manage risk to help our clients achieve the goals and retirement they desire. We apply a balanced approach to planning that seeks opportunities while maintaining diversification and being protected along the way. Most people don’t have the time, knowledge, discipline, or desire to manage and grow their wealth on their own. Our goal is to give our clients confidence and peace of mind to know they are on the right track to meet their financial goals while simplifying their financial life.

Plan For Your Future

There is no one “best place” to put your retirement money because each individual and couple has unique requirements, different tolerances for risk, and need their money at different times. Likewise, there is no one place to keep your money that fits everyone for exactly the same reasons. Your unique circumstances must be taken into consideration if you seek to find the “most favorable place” for your retirement money. This is where we can be of service.